Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Distraction by gadgets

There’s no question about it. Our attention spans are becoming increasingly short. I blame it in electronic gadgets: principally cellphones and pagers and those inventions of the devil, blackberries.
Now I’m among the first to agree that the telephone is useful: in fact it’s hard to imagine modern life without it; and word processors and e-mail and the Net make for quick and easy communication despite rendering the art of letter-writing all but dead. (See previous post)
But when I am sitting with someone, hopefully having a meaningful discussion, and that person has acquired an involuntary tic that compels them to check a damned gadget every few minutes, or they rudely interrupt our conversation the moment a call comes in instead of letting it go to an inbox, then I know gadgets are fast taking over, and mankind is doomed to become a second class citizen and electronics will eventually rule the world.
It’s enough to make me wish for a catastrophic, world-wide power failure – well, almost, because I’ve forgotten how to do semaphore and my inkwell has run dry.


Anonymous said...

I am distracted by men. Too many beautiful men out there in this world this days. If there is a "god", surely men were his best creation. What's a world without men? It would just be a world of happy, fat, bored lesbians.

Anonymous said...

*these days*